Flight & Fight is now Released!
Over the past couple of months I have been working on a flight simulator/plane fighting game that I have decided to call “Flight & Fight”. I’ve written some posts about it here and here. After much work and time, I believe I have finally implemented every feature that I wanted to add to the game and that it is ready for the wider world to see!
Ever since the last post I made about Flight & Fight, I’ve made some improvements and updates such as adding more enemies such as blimps (a friend told me that the model for the blimp looks more like a zeppelin rather than a blimp but I decided that I’m too lazy to bother changing the names in the files and code so they are being called blimps) and enemy planes that shoot at the player. I’ve also made some other upgrades to the user interface of the game such as adding a high score screen and a settings menu. Additionally, I added audio using the library openal-soft in order to get 3D audio to work and I used dr_wav to load wav files. Just a note about OpenAL: apparently from what I was able to get working, it seems that OpenAL doesn’t support multi-channel audio files for simulating 3D sound effects which led to some weird issues with the audio that I wasn’t able to fix until I converted the sound effect files to a one channel wav file. Overall, it wasn’t too painful to add sound.
Overall, I’m quite happy with how this project looks in the end and I found the gameplay to be simple but enjoyable. If you’re interested in downloading and trying out the game, you can download it on itch.io.
I might make some posts in the future explaining some interesting aspects of the game such as enemy AI. We’ll see.
Anyway, that’s it, have a nice day!