I’ve decided to create a blog! Here I’ll probably share thoughts, projects, and interesting things that I find. I’m not sure how often I will post or when exactly I will post but hopefully you end up finding my posts a worthwhile read. Also, I plan on customizing the blog in the future to have a custom theme and also have it not have such a generic title (“Blog” is a rather boring name for a blog…). I’m not entirely sure what I want the style of this blog to be and I also don’t know what I want the current title to be right now either… I want something creative and unique but at the same time I have trouble naming things (“There are three hard problems in computer science: off by one errors, cache invalidation, and naming things”). I’ll probably eventually figure it out.

Anyway, I should probably introduce myself! I am currently in high school and my interests include math, physics, and computer science. I am also a failed aspiring indie game developer (so maybe expect posts on games that I might be working on at the moment). If you really care about knowing more about me you can go here to read more.

My most recent project is a game known as Scale The Tower (shameless self promotion time!). It’s a simple little platformer game where you have to climb a procedurally generated tower and avoid enemies while collecting treasure. If you think that looks interesting, please go check it out! You can find the source code for STT here.

Anyway, that’s about it, have a nice day!