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C++ Stuff I made in Middle School

These are projects that I made when I was still learning C++ and I was just wanted to make random stuff. Pretty much all of these were made in 2020/2021 when I was in middle school.

I didn't bother to include the executable files but I have taken screenshots and included source code. All code included can be used for whatever purpose you want, I don't particularly care. Note that all of the code here is designed for Microsoft Windows. Also note that most of the code here was written when I was learning C++ and doesn't follow "best practice" ("using namespace std;").


This is an old game that I made in C++ when I was still learning the language. Source code is available for download though it contains a lot of nooby mistakes.
I tried making this as a clone of a fairly old video game Beast but I don't think I really followed the game's rules faithfully but the rough idea is still there. The goal is to crush all the red circles with the green blocks while avoiding getting killed by the enemeis which will try to follow you but I didn't really know path finding algorithms at the time and the enemies just try finding the closest square to the player but that isn't always correct and the enemies sometimes get stuck.

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Breakout Test

This is a game that I made when I was trying to learn how to use Win32. It's just a simple breakout clone.

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C++ Maze Game

Source code to one of the first few things I ever posted onto my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU7x0MzYELw
It was made when I was still learning C++ so it has a lot of nooby mistakes and the code isn't very good.
The maze generation uses Prim's algorithm but I didn't program it well and it can get pretty slow at times.

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Minesweeper clone that I made with C++ and Win32.

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Platformer Game

A simple platformer game with 5 total levels. It's kind of easy and not really that fun.

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Raycast Demo

Simple raycaster that I made using C++ and Win32.

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Space Invaders Clone

Space Invaders clone that I made with C++ and Win32.

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