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Scale The Tower

This is a game that I wrote for the 2023 Github Game Off Jam over the course of the month of November.

This is a fun little platformer that I wrote over the course of a month using the Rust Programming Language. I decided to experiment with using OpenGL with Rust. I decided to attempt to combine 3D graphics with 2D style graphics and I really like how it turned out in the end. The source code is available here under the Apache 2.0 License. However, note that the code isn't very well written in many places and many parts probably could not be considered "idiomatic" Rust in many parts as well. However, this game was hacked together over the course of a month so please forgive me for the code quality.

Controls/Important Notes:
- Left/Right Arrows: Move around
- Up Arrow: Jump
- Space: Attack
- 1/2: Sword/Bow

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